I read somewhere that August is like the Sunday of summer. There is always that sense of melancholy typical of when a period of relaxation ends. I try to capture every beautiful moment of this season knowing that the next time it will be a year from now. I remember when I was a child, my family and I went to our house by the sea in Sicily during the summer and every time in the second half of August the beaches were empty and people went back to their lives. Since then, even though I remained at sea until the end of August, the summer was over for me, and that sense of melancholy not left me. Although for some years I spend August in the city, I try to live fully the last days of my favorite season.
I this outfit wore yesterday with Ste and it’s studied everything about red and green that are among my favorite colors. My watch from Daniel Wellington completes the look with the details of the strap. But there is something new for you! If you enter the code “SUN-DAYDREAMS” in the online store of Daniel Wellington, you can receive 15% discount on any model of their collection! Go have a look, the promotion is valid until the end of the month!
Ho letto da qualche parte che agosto è la domenica dell’estate. C’è sempre quel senso di malinconia tipico di quando finisce un periodo di rilassatezza. Si cerca di catturare ogni momento bello di questa stagione consapevoli che i prossimi momenti così saranno tra un anno. Mi ricordo quando da piccola io e la mia famiglia andavamo nella nostra casa al mare in Sicilia per tutta l’estate e ogni volta dopo Ferragosto le spiagge si svuotavano e la gente tornava alle loro vite. Da allora, anche se io restavo al mare fino a fine agosto, l’estate era finita anche per me e quel senso di malinconia non mi abbandonava. Anche se ormai da qualche anno agosto lo trascorro in città, cerco di vivere a pieno le ultime giornate della mia stagione preferita.
Il look di oggi l’ho indossato ieri con Ste ed è studiato tutto sui colori, il rosso e il verde che sono tra i miei preferiti. Il mio orologio di Daniel Wellington completa il look con i dettagli del cinturino. Ma c’è una novità per voi! Se inserite il codice “SUN-DAYDREAMS” nello shop online di Daniel Wellington, potete ricevere il 15% di sconto su qualsiasi modello della loro collezione! Andate a dare un’occhiata, la promozione è valida fino a fine mese!
Love the floral kimono and the shoes!
CHECK OUT MY LAST POST http://www.sapphirebrushstrokes.com/2014/08/t-shirt-dresses.html
Very Beautifull.
Love the outfit.
Like the shoes a lot
Nice:) x
that bag is beautiful!
Beautiful kimono piece!!!
Looks lovely on you!!!
I'm glad I found your blog!!!!
I hope you can visit my blog sometime!!
We can keep in touch if you like!!!
Let me know!!
You look awesome in these pictures! I am so in love with the bag and I definitely have to come back your blog is gogeous!
Love the kimono and the bag, pretty colors! And pretty look!
You look very pretty. Great outfit!
Che outfit veramente magnifico *_*
un bacio
Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it
Gorgeous hair and I love your floral scarf too
Oh my god! You look absolutely stunning!
Follow me on bloglovin
This is absolutely beautiful – I LOVE your scarf. xx
Love this colorful combo. You look absolutely stunning.
Wow this outift is really cute! I love your kimono and watch 🙂 you look amazing!! 🙂
nice look, lovely bag!
new look on my blog!
Wonderful look, gal with flowers!
Joua, http://www.jouatotherescue
Love, love, love this kimono jacket! So happy to have discovered your blog:)
Heidi D.
Love your kimono and haair!!!So lovely