During my second day of Berlin Fashion Week, I attended three other fashion shows (see the report of the first day HERE): Anja Gockel, ep_anoui by Eva Poleschinski and Marcel Ostertag. Choosing my favorite collection is really hard, all three of them were wonderful with some item in wich I have literally fallen in love. This time I have the pictures of the look that I worethanks to Ileana! Meeting new bloggers is one of the most beautiful parts when attending events. Often you can create friendships and you can share a passion that perhaps not everyone can understand!
Durante il mio secondo giorno di Fashion Week a Berlino ho assistito a altre tre sfilate (guarda il resoconto del primo giorno QUI): Anja Gockel, ep_anoui by Eva Poleschinski e Marcel Ostertag. Scegliere la mia preferita e´ davvero difficile, tutte e tre le collezioni erano meravigliose con alcuni capi di cui mi sono letteralmente innamorata. Questa volte ho le foto del look che indossavo grazie all´aiuto di Ileana! Conoscere nuove blogger e´ una delle parti piu´ belle quando partecipo a degli eventi. Spesso si possono creare delle belle amicizie e si puo´ condividere una passione che forse non tutti riescono a comprendere!
Anja Gockel
A colorful collection full of trends: leather, lace and up to tartan. I loved the sequined garments in silver and orange. The dresses completely covered of sequins were gorgeous
Anja Gockel
Una collezione coloratissima e piena di trend: dalla pelle, al tartan fino al pizzo. Ho adorato i capi in pallettes argentate e arancioni. Gli abiti completamente ricoperti di paillettes erano stupendi
ep_anoui by Eva Poleschinski
A particular collection where the models paraded with big glasses and shoes with fringes and spikes. The printed maxidress are by far my favorites, along with the egg-shape skirts
ep_anoui by Eva Poleschinski
Una collezione particolare in cui le modelle sfilavano con maxi occhiali e scarpe con frange e punte. I maxidress con le stampe sono in assoluto i miei preferiti, insieme alle gonne egg-shape
Marcel Ostertag
The great thing about the Marcel Ostertag fashion shows is that are always opened by him that parades wearing an item of his wonderful collection. For this season he propose transparent and very light dresses, leather, fur and bomber jacket.
Marcel Ostertag
La cosa stupenda delle sfilate di Marcel Ostertag e´ che sono sempre aperte da lui in persona che sfila indossando un capo della sua splendida collezione. Per questa stagione sono proposti abiti leggeri e trasparenti, pelle, pelliccia e bomber jacket.
I love your coat! Very nice outfit! The collections look pretty good too!
CHECK OUT MY NEW POST http://sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/different-shades-of-night.html
your jacket is amazing!
Looks like you had a great time there. 🙂
Have a lovely week ahead!
Xoxo, Victoria
The photos of you are lovely.
And I think my favourite shot from the runways is the light purple billowy shot in the last catwalk summary!