1. Just behind the Brandenburg Gate there was the tent where was held the Fashion Week. Used to that of Milan it was nice to attend all the shows in one place without having to run from one point to another of the city. 2. Preparations for the Stylight Fashion Bloggers Awards. 3. Before the Awards. 4. The finale of the evening was spectacular, with the confetti that rained down on the winners
1. Proprio dietro alla Porta di Brandeburgo c´era il tendone in cui si e´ svolta la Fashion Week. Abituata a quella di Milano e´ stato bello assistere a tutte le sfilate nello stesso posto senza dover correre da un punto all´altro della citta´. 2. Preparativi per gli Stylight Fashion Bloggers Awards. 3. Prima degli Awards. 4. Il finale della serata e´ stato spettacolare, con i coriandoli che sono piovuti sulle vincitrici
1. Photobooth with Ileana. 2. My first show: Rebekka Ruetz. 3.Inside the tent between a show and another. 4. Before the fashion show of Alena Akhmadullina presented by Elle.
1. Photobooth con Ileana. 2. La mia prima sfilata: Rebekka Ruétz. 3.All´interno del tendone tra una sfilata e l´altra. 4. Prima della sfilata di Alena Akhmadullina presentata da Elle.
1. In the evening back to the hotel from the fashion shows, the first thing I did was work on the blog and check out the events of the next day. I love the hectic days during Fashion Week!. 2. The final of Anja Gockel fashion show. 3. Lunch with Ileana and her husband. A currywurst in Berlin is a must!. 4. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
1. La sera tornata in albergo dalle sfilate la prima cosa che facevo era lavorare al blog e controllare gli appuntamenti del giorno dopo. Adoro le giornate frenetiche durante la Fashion Week!. 2. Il finale della sfilata di Anja Gockel. 3. A pranzo con Ileana e suo marito. Un currywurst a Berlino e´ d´obbligo!. 4. Il memoriale per gli ebrei assassinati d´Europa
Great pictures!
CHECK OUT MY LAST POST http://sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/different-shades-of-night.html
great photos!
looks like such fun
Lucky you! Keep your diary coming!
gorgeous photos! so jealous you got to attend!