It does not seem to you that this month has flown? Indeed seems like yesterday that I decided to constantly update again the blog after I took a break, but have actually already been five months! Maybe when you have strong passions that lead to a lot of satisfaction, time seems to pass more quickly. Thanks to all of you who dedicated a bit of your time to read what I have to say and comment on my posts. And it’s thanks to you that I resumed this wonderful project that is Lost in Daydreams and that I still have a lot of enthusiasm to bring it to improve more and more!
Ps. As you know if you follow me on Instagram, I will be in Cinque Terre for a few days with Ste! Soon all the pictures!
Non sembra anche a voi che questo mese sia volato? A dire la verità sembra ieri che ho deciso di riprendere ad aggiornare costantemente il blog dopo essermi presa una pausa, ma in realtà sono già passati cinque mesi! Forse quando si hanno delle forti passioni che portano a tante soddisfazioni, il tempo sembra passare più in fretta. Grazie a tutti voi che dedicate un po’ del vostro tempo per leggere ciò che ho da dire e per commentare i miei post. E’ anche grazie a voi che ho ripreso questo meraviglioso progetto che è Lost in Daydreams e che ho ancora tanto entusiasmo per portarlo a migliorare sempre più!
Ps. Come sapete se mi seguite su Instagram sarò alle Cinque Terre per qualche giorno con Ste! Presto tutte le foto!
Hello Olga
I really like your style
kiss from Paris
2° e 5° outfit MERAVIGLIA!
se ti và,passa per un saluto
NUOVO POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog
I like all the looks!
Great looks!!Love all of them!!
mi piacciono moltossimo il primo a sx e l'ultimo a dx
buona domenica!
My favourite is #2!
Great looks! My favortie is definitely number 6! 🙂
Ciao, volevo ricordarti che domani Google Reader verrà disattivato definitivamente, perciò se vuoi continuare a seguire i blog che più ti piacciono (compreso il mio), devi importare i tuoi contatti da Google a Bloglovin' cliccando sul link qui sotto:
Spero continuerai a seguirmi su "C'est la vie"! 😉
Molto belli questi look cara!
Buona domenica!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
I love the green dress! That's so pretty! I like all of them though, you have great style! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more 🙂 🙂
great looks:)
the weather in italy seems much better then here in germany, I want to wear summer clothes too;)
soo many nice outfits. Have a great day.
sooo beautiful looks!
Gorgeous outfits – love your blue blazer!
Thank you for the comment on my blog 🙂
Have a fabulous day!
Amazing looks! Love them all!
x Angela /
These looks certainly work for you! It's a perfect mix of casual and fancy, so I understand why you love wearing them so much. I love your hair in these pictures by the way!
des bisous
(>^o^<) Adeline
love your blog!!!
amazing looks!!! 😀
love the metallic jacket!
love the 1st dress…..u look so lovely with those outfit
Love the third one 😀
Two ones in the middle are the best, you look really cool in those sunnies 🙂
I just thought I would let you know I made a couple of changes to my layout!
Okay, it's official, I want to raid your closet!
Sparkles and Shoes
Don't forget about the switch to BlogLovin!
Son estupendos todos los looks.
Un beso.
Love all the outfits! Green dress is my favorite!
lovely outfits!
from helen at thelovecatsinc | bloglovin'
Look 2 and 6 are my favorite. They're a great mix of masculine pieces but you have just the right amount of sex appeal. Great colors as well.
*Come join our Patriotic Hash Tag Party and contest- on the blog!
You have a great sense of style. Definitely have given me some inspiration for my tomorrow's outfit!
with love, Cassandra xx
Amazing looks!
Hey, I love your blog great work 😉 Please come check mine out, if you decide to follow me, leave me a comment and I’ll follow you back 🙂 XxXx
Great post! Really like look 4 and look 6 🙂
-xoxo- Roxanne | BALUZ
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