1) Spending an afternoon pretending to be a tourist in Milan. Although I live near and I go there often, my visits have always been focused on shopping or on some event for the blog. I decided to dedicate one day to see the artistic beauty that this city has to offer and that I had never seen.
1) Passare un pomeriggio a fare la turista a Milano. Nonostante ci abiti vicino e ci vada spesso, le mie visite sono sempre state incentrate sullo shopping o su qualche evento per il blog. Ho deciso di dedicare un giorno a vedere le bellezze artistiche che questa città offre e che non avevo mai visto.
2) Palermo and Athens, two cities I’ve been in the past two months. The first is a city that I love and I have always known, the other a new discovery where I certainly hope to return in the future.
2) Palermo e Atene, le due città in cui sono stata in questi due mesi. La prima una città che adoro e che conosco da sempre, l’altra una nuova scoperta dove spero sicuramente di tornare in futuro.
3) The drawing I made for the beautiful Nicoletta of Scent of Obsession and her adorable little dog Holly. I know she also loved it and I’m very happy of that!
3) Il disegno che ho fatto alla bellissima Nicoletta di Scent of Obsession e alla sua adorabile cagnolina Holly. So che è piaciuto molto anche a lei e ne sono felicissima!
4) Participate as a public at an italian tv show. An experience that I had never done, and that was a lot of fun! Too weird to see me on TV even if framed in passing! 🙂
4) Partecipare come pubblico a Pomeriggio Cinque. Un’esperienza che non avevo mai fatto e che è stata molto divertente! Troppo strano rivedersi in tv anche se inquadrata di sfuggita! 🙂
5) Go to Lake Como with my boyfriend. His parents have a house there and so we often go there for a weekend immersed in the peace of this charming place
5) Andare al lago di Como con il mio ragazzo. I suoi genitori hanno una casa lì e quindi spesso andiamo a farci un weekend immersi nella pace di questo luogo incantevole
6) The temporary tattoo that I’ve done at the Samsonite event during the Milan Design Week. I’m seriously thinking of getting a real tattoo in that spot 🙂
6) Il tatuaggio temporaneo che mi sono fatta fare all’evento Samsonite durante la Design Week. Sto seriamente pensando di farmi un tatuaggio vero proprio in quel punto 🙂
7) The personalized cupcake with my name on it that I received at the press day of Attila & Co. It’s so beautiful that I couldn’t eat it yet!
7) Il cupcake personalizzato con il mio nome che mi hanno fatto al press day di Attila & Co. E’ talmente bello che ancora non sono riuscita a mangiarlo!
Great pics and I see you had so nice week. have a great day/
Milano <3
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Very nice! that drawing is phenomenal you're talented! check out my new post on Gold and Orange patterns
LOVE that drawing! adorable photos!
Emma xx
Beautiful photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog:)
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The Duomo is Milano is such a sight!!! Love it!!
Great photos!!, that place on the lake is beautiful!!
Thanks for passing by my blog!!
<3 Val
I love this post! 🙂 I follow your blog!
Kisses, and thanks for comment my blog!
Nice pictures ! I like your blog 🙂
Milan looks great, I've always wanted to visit Italy !!
Thanks for the lovely comment and maybe follow each other?
I am following you anyway lol your blog is so cool!
Wow, it looks like you've been having a ton of fun! 🙂 Even though I'm living in San Francisco, it's always fun to go out and play tourist, especially if you live in a city that's world renowned. And how fun that you were in a TV show audience; I've always wanted to do something like that! You are gorgeous and those mini-cupcakes look absolutely delicious!
Looks like a great adventure! The cupcakes look scrumptious!
Now following you! (:
Fashion Ganache.