Today is my twenty first birthday! For the occasion, yesterday morning I went to the hairdresser to straighten and lighten a little my hair, but in the end I fell in love with the fishtail braid seen in a catalog and I decided to let me do it. You can see the result in the last photo! I love it, I must learn to make it by myself! I really like changing style and hair color, a few years ago I was even blonde! What do you think? Do you prefer straight or curly?
PS. For tonight’s dinner with friends and family I’ve chosen a simple but elegant outfit, I’ll show you in the next post!
Oggi è il mio ventunesimo compleanno! Per l’occasione ieri mattina sono andata dalla parrucchiera per fare la piega e schiarire un po’ i capelli; alla fine però mi sono innamorata della treccia a lisca di pesce vista in un catalogo e ho deciso di farmela fare. Potete vedere il risultato nell’ultima foto! La adoro, devo assolutamente imparare a farmela da sola! Mi piace molto cambiare stile e colore dei capelli; per un periodo qualche anno fa sono stata addirittura bionda! Che ne pensate? Mi preferite liscia o riccia?
PS. Per la cena con amici e parenti di stasera ho scelto un outfit semplice ma elegante, ve lo mostrerò nel prossimo post!
Stai benissimo e la treccia è spaziale! Kiss Kiss
Ohhhh….happy birthday.
Kisses from Barcelona.
Mi piace tantissimo la treccia a lisca di pesce, ma non riesco a farmela!!! Buon compleanno!!!
Happy Birthday! Beautiful hair!
Happy Birthday,Tanti Auguri!! All your wishes come true..
Thanks for visiting my blog!Let's follow each other!!baci
Happy Birthday, Beautiful!
lovely hair!
happy bdayyy dear <3
Happy Birthday! 🙂
Would you like to follow each other? xoxo
la treccia a lisca di pesce è meravigliosa, ottima scelta!
buon compleanno!
Happy Birthday! 🙂
You are so gorgeous.
looks beautiful! have a happy birthday =)
Great pictures!! I love it!!!
You look so good with the straight hair.! Perfect 10 for you. 🙂
wishing you a very happy birthday!!! it is quite a difference between the curly and straight hair. it looks great on you either way.
Love it, you look so pretty!! Have a great b-day, that all your wishes may come true!!
xoxo lorena
Happy birhtday! x
You look very different, but you´re really beautiful =)
wowww that incredible hair … you are very beautiful;)Happy birhtday
You look fantastic with your new hair 🙂 Happy birthday too!!
great hair-do! You're a cutie and I can't wait to see the outfit from your dinner!
Happy birthday, I wish you all the best and may all your wishes and dreams come true if they still haven't!
thanks for visiting my blog!
i hope we'll keep commenting each other's posts always 🙂
Dolly, xo
Unicorns, Heels and American Dreams
Grazie del commento Olga…sono italiana anche io.
Baci,spero ti sia piaciuto il mio blog 😀 !
Buon compleanno!
Maria Onorio
hapie bday dear..
straight hair looks amazing on u bt i prefer u in curls..
have told u earlier also..urs curls are so perfct..:)
xo sabbi
adoro questa treccia!
ps: hai una nuova follower 😉
happy birthday!!
straight and curly looks great on you! =)
I really like your hair straight, you look like a whole different person !
Hope you'll check my blog, I'm a new blogger !
You have a very nice style and blog! I love it!
Do you want to follow eachother??
love, anne
tanti auguri e bellissima treccia!!
You look great and I prefer straight hair 🙂 Ofc Happy B-day and make your wishes come true :))
gorgeous.. i love it! happy birthday too..
Complimenti per il tuo compleanno 🙂
thank you for your nice comment on my blog..
very nice pic..and I like your outfits in the last post..
I hope you like my blog and maybe you gonna be my next follower… If you want..of course..
vi auguro una bella serata
u are so beautiful with ur new hair:D happy birthday dear<3
Happy 21st Birthday!!!!!
I'm not much for straight hair….but we do wear Straight hair sometimes. I think you look more sexy in curly hair!
Beautiful pictures and good posing.
Love,Joan and Joann (We will be 23 in October. From the middle part of the USA)
happy belated bday! love fishtail braids. it looks great on you! <3
hi pretty! 🙂 I hope we can follow each others blog 🙂 I'd be glad 😉 please let me know 🙂 xoxo
Happy birthday to you, beautiful. I love your hair, when it's straighten 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! you look great!
Thank you so much for visit my blog and your comment yesterday:
Muchas felicidades, que pases un dia genial
un beso
Love these pictures!! 🙂
You look amazing 🙂
Just stopped by your blog!
Loved it instantly so I have no choice but to follow you around!!
Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time
Thank you very much for your comments and for your birthday wishes!! You've made me very happy!! <3
woww what a beautiful hair love it anyway happy birthday
very nice blog im following you follow back please
♥ SadeeStyle ♥