A few days ago my black cat Medea gave birth to four gorgeous kittens. Obviously we can’t keep them all, but it will be hard to part with. They are too cute and so small that they stay in a hand 🙂 In the last two photos there is the first kitten of Medea, who has already a few months and is the largest and the most scamp little brother. Yesterday morning he climbed on the roof and he couldn’t get off! We’ve decided to keep him but he doesn’t have already a name, any suggestion is welcome!
La mia gatta nera Medea ha partorito da pochi giorni quattro stupendi gattini. Ovviamente non li potremo tenere tutti, sarà dura separarsene però. Sono troppo teneri e così piccoli che ci stanno in una mano 🙂 Nelle ultime due foto c’è il primo gattino di Medea che ha già qualche mese ed è più grande e pestifero dei fratellini. Ieri mattina si è arrampicato sul tetto e non riusciva più a scendere, se l’è passata davvero brutta! Abbiamo deciso di tenerlo ma non ha ancora un nome, qualsiasi suggerimento è ben accetto!
great blog!
aww how cuteee ! <33 you're so lucky ! I would call him Spiky if I were you, I think it's such a cute name for a black kitty 🙂 anyway, have a great day !
oooooooh! they are sooo cute!
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Ahhh they are so little and cute! I love this post 🙂
We love your blog is wonderful and we are always here giving all the news.
Desejmos to you a great week.
Super Glorinha kisses.
We are G +1 with the campaign and count on your participation.
NEIN, wie süß ist das denn? Ich schmelze dahin…
aw.. these are the cuuutest!^^ how are you going to give any up?!
ciao bella,
grazie del tuo follow;) tu seguo;) mi trovi con faccina in bianco e nero;)
io suggerisco il nom MINOU, o KIKI;)
troppo carino!
Great pictures!!! I love it!!
So cute!!!!!
Absolutely adorable!!
adorable!!!! 🙂
DIY and more:
oh oh oh oh. Very very very sweeet. It reminded me of times when I myself had kittens.
Waiting for your looks and following you too:)
they are sooooo cute!!
thank you so much for your amazing comment in my blog! love yours too!! following you now…
Too cute!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
soo sweet! Thank you for your comment! Would you like to follow each other? http://southerngloss.blogspot.com
cuuuute post love kittens! thanks really like your blog too!
follow each other? 🙂
adorable !!!
oh that's so cute!
my cat has babys too :))
in these posts you can see them:
6 weeks old
23 days old
11 days old
6 days old
enjoy this time!
kisses from the bottom of the sea
Omggg you're making me love cats!!
Thank you for your comments and for your name suggestions!! 🙂
sweet :D.
greetings, thanks for your comment and I observe your blog.
Very cute kitten <3
Cute kitten!
Thanks for visiting my blog…following you now…
oh, this is insanely adorable! they are so small <3
oh my gosh – so adorable!!!!