Do you remember my post about the new hairstyles for spring /summer 2011? Many of you have been intrigued by the double knot hair, hairstyle that is very simple and casual especially well suited for summer. I tried to implement it and show you step by step how to do it. In the comments some of you were concerned about possible difficulties in dissolving, but I assure you that there are no problems and my hair did not even knotted!
Vi ricordate il mio post sulle nuove acconciature per la primavera/estate 2011? Molte di voi sono rimaste incuriosite dal doppio nodo ai capelli, un’acconciatura molto semplice e casual adatta sopratutto per l’estate. Io ho provato a realizzarla e vi mostrerò passo per passo come farla. Nei commenti alcune di voi erano preoccupate delle eventuali difficoltà nello scioglierli ma vi assicuro che non ci sono problemi e i capelli non si sono neanche annodati!
Using a comb, divide your hair down around the neck, so you get two locks of hair
Usando un pettine, dividete i capelli in basso vicino alla nuca, in modo da ottenere due ciocche di capelli
Keep the strands of hair with both hands, keeping them well separated
Tenete entrambe le ciocche di capelli con le mani tenendole ben separate
Tie a single knot in much the same way you’d tie any knot.
Annodate le due ciocche nello stesso modo in cui fareste un nodo qualsiasi.
Tie your hair back to create a double knot
Annodate nuovamente i capelli in modo da creare un doppio nodo
Secure the hair by using some pins
Fissate l’acconciatura utilizzando delle forcine in modo che non si sciolga durante il giorno
Mariana Silva says
Beautiful hair! I loved your blog, I'll be here forever
Pass on my blog
jane says
Very cool hair tutorial, I did it this morning and it's really pretty! THanks for sharing ^^
Nice blog by the way 🙂
Olga says
thank you so much I'm glad you've tried the hairstyle and you like it!
Ekaterina says
This is really awesome! Easy and pretty! Great blog!:)
Sarah says
Such a pretty style! Going to try that out today 🙂 I like these posts, you should post about stuff like this more often!
Twenty.Something says
Great tips! I'll have to try this out… I love it!
Yajaira says
nice – great tutorial..
thanks for the comment on my blog and for following..
will follow you as well..
Carmen says
So cute and easy! I'll try to do it 😀 Kisses
Soraya says
Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours is very nice. I follow, Sigema if you want. A kiss!
me gusta el recogido, a ver que tal me sale a mí
thnx fot tutorial!! i think i'll do that!
Linton from London says
I have short hair but I'm still going to try this awesome hairstyle. Thanks for sharing it!
If possible stop by and visit my blog.
Hopefully we can follow each other??? I'm now following you.
Linton from London
noxcreare says
Grazie mille olga della provo subito..però ho una per laciare le due ciocche sciolte alla fine come la foto della modella dove devo mettere le forcine?