I’ve taken these photos with my sister and I’m really happy with the result! I find them very bright! I’ve finally worn the leopard print skirt I bought at Padua and the owl necklace that I bought a lifetime ago and I have never had occasion to wear it. What do you think? I hope you enjoy the pictures! Queste foto le ho scattate con mia sorella e sono davvero contenta del risultato! Le trovo molto luminose! Ho…
White angel
This photoshot of the February issue of Vogue Spain sums up some of the new season’s trends, and in particular crochet and macramé looks. But also transparency, maxi dress and the white color: star of the new season. From this photos you can also get many inspirations as the wide-brimmed hat strictly white or cream to accessorize lace and macrame clothes. In short, a really wonderful photoshot, I think, that I decided to share with you!🙂 I hope you like it! Questo photoshot del numero di febbraio di Vogue Spagna riassume perfettamente alcune delle nuove…
Little things
My breakfast: hot tea and pastries filled with chocolate:) La mia colazione: tè caldo e dolcetti con ripieno al cioccolato 🙂 The material for the study (I’m preparing for the admission test of fashion design) Il materiale per lo studio (mi sto preparando per il test di ammissione di design della moda) Fashion magazines Riviste di…
Spring/Summer 2011 fashion trends
Want to start to renew your wardrobe for spring /summer season? So this post is for you because is a list of the new trends of the season! A way as any to leave behind us the cold winter of this year! 🙂 Volete iniziare a rinnovare il vostro guardaroba in vista della stagione primaverile/estiva? Allora questo post fa al caso vostro perchè vi elencherò i nuovi trend della stagione!…
While I was drawing I listened:
Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2011 Ad Campaign
The beautiful Photoshot created for the spring / summer 2011 Dolce & Gabbana advertising campaign, seems to capture some scenes of a drama, of course featuring breathtaking models who wear fineclothes. It is worth viewing these pictures in detail not only for the splendid garments worn (from which you can see a prevalence of lace) but also to admire the wonderful game of black and white. Lo splendido photoshot realizzato per la campagna pubblicitaria della collezione primavera/estate 2011 di Dolce & Gabbana, sembra quasi catturare alcune scene di un…
I believe
When love calls you, follow him. Though his ways are hard and steep
Today I share with you some photos taken a few weeks ago before leaving. The balloon was a gift for my boyfriend but it stayed at my house 🙂 Can you imagine the surprised faces of the people on the way home from the store where I bought it 🙂. I bought the dress I’m wearing at Jennifer this summer. Oggi volevo proporvi qualche foto fatte qualche settimana fa prima di partire. Il…
Victoria’s Secret 2011 Swimwear
Today I really felt like summer and already thinking about what bikini to buy for summer 2011! Here are the proposals for Victoria‘s Secrets. My absolute favorite is the asymmetrical black monokini! A wonder! And what is your favorite? Oggi ho proprio voglia di estate e di pensare già quali nuovi bikini da acquistare per l’estate 2011! Ecco le proposte di Victoria’s Secrets. Il mio preferito in assoluto è…
Stylish Blogger Award
Hi guys! The talented and beautiful Chazelie of Shoecentrics awarded me the prize of Stylish Blogger! I couldn’t be happier! I put so much effort in this blog and I’m happy when it’s appreciated, so thanks a lot Chazelie! The rules are to make a list of 7 things about me and select 15 bloggers who I consider worthy of the prize (I hope none of those who I select have already received the award ^ ^). Here you are 7 things about me that you don’t yet know: 1) I am very clumsy, I often stumble or drop things (poor me) 2) My favorite color is pink but I don’t use it in clothing to avoid to seem a “doll” 3) I have Sicilian origin,…
2011 hair trends
Today we talk about hair! What are the trends for the new year? Here it is listed! Oggi parliamo di capelli! Quali sono le tendenze per il nuovo anno? Eccovele elencate! 1) Double hair knot Doppio nodo ai capelli This hairstyle is definitely more suited for spring/summer and you’ve probably seen in the Michael Kors fashion show because of the choice to give…