I gioielli sostenibili o etici sono una tendenza in rapida crescita. Con più informazioni disponibili che mai su dove e come vengano prodotti i gioielli, i consumatori vogliono accertarsi sempre di più che i loro pezzi non siano stati creati…
Il potere della gentilezza: come può cambiare la tua vita e quella degli altri
Essere gentili, compassionevoli e aiutare gli altri ha sicuramente dei benefici ovvi: si contribuisce ad un mondo migliore, si solleva il morale degli altri, si dona amore incondizionato. Ma lo sapevi che i benefici della gentilezza sono in realtà maggiori…
Gioielli rigenerati: l’alternativa sostenibile da conoscere
I gioielli sono un accessorio irrinunciabile, sinonimo di glamour ed eleganza, ma spesso dietro la facciata scintillante, si nasconde un lato oscuro fatto di sfruttamento e sofferenza. L’estrazione di metalli preziosi come l’oro e l’argento spesso avviene in paesi in…
Cos’è l’Ecofemminismo?
Sicuramente avrete già familiarità con il concetto di ambientalismo e femminismo, ma esiste anche un importante movimento, nato alla fine degli anni 70, chiamato ecofemminismo che combina le due cose. Il termine ecofemminismo fu coniato nel 1974 dall’attivista francese Françoise…
5 sustainable sweaters to stay cozy in winter
We still have at least two months of winter ahead of us so it’s time to invest in a good ethical and sustainable sweater. If you also want to invest in a good sweater that will last you many years,…
Year in review: 5 things I learned in 2020
In a few hours we can say goodbye to 2020, a difficult and challenging year for all of us. Maybe it’s the first time that globally we’ve been forced to question many things that were previously normal, and maybe for…
What is Ahimsa and how to practice it in your everyday life
If you’ve ever practiced Yoga you will surely already know about the Yamas which are the ethical, moral and societal guidelines for yogis. Following the Yamas is one of the first steps in the yoga path and you should start…
5 sustainable and ethical jewelry brands you need to know
Often behind precious stones and metals that are used to make our jewels, there is a dark world of exploitation of resources and workers. Pollutants and toxic materials are used to mine gold. Furthermore, mining workers are among those most…
5 ways to live a more creative life thanks to Mindfulness
Living in a more mindful way allows us to live also in a more creative way. The mental peace and calm that a mindfulness practice gives us, also allow us to focus on the things we love, on living a…
How to make your clothes last longer
There is nothing more sustainable than taking good care of your clothes so that they last as long as possible. In fact, the most sustainable garment ever is the one we already have. In this post we will give you…
Crystals for beginners: a complete guide
Crystals are one of my greatest passions and a great way to raise your vibrations, improve your life, and get to know your Higher Self. I’ve been studying crystal healing for over a year now and I’m about to finish…
How houseplants can dramatically improve your wellbeing
Did you ever seen on Instagram some profiles of people with their house full of plants that make you want to become a plant mom too? Houseplants are not only aesthetically beautiful but also have great benefits for your physical…