In a few hours we can say goodbye to 2020, a difficult and challenging year for all of us. Maybe it’s the first time that globally we’ve been forced to question many things that were previously normal, and maybe for this reason the lessons learned this year may be common to many of us.
In today’s post I want to sum up and reflect on this year that is about to end that it has certainly been very difficult and sad but also a year that has brought me so many inner changes and has taught me many things. Here’s what I learned:
1. Sometimes things don’t go as planned and that’s okay. I spent the last months of 2019 planning in detail how my life would be in 2020. I wanted to move to Milan and start a new life there. Instead, I found myself having to live in a small house surrounded by nature on Lake Como. I returned to Italy after 6 years of living in Germany without knowing what to do with my life and without knowing how long the lockdown would last. But thanks to this uncertainty I started to get think about new exciting projects and I created Crystals Dream, my crystal shop. Without this uncertainty I would never have had the courage to pursue my dreams.
2. The little things are the most important. This is a phrase that we hear often but we never realized how true it was. All those things that were normal before, we haven’t been able to do them this year and only now we realize how much value they have. The hug of the people we love, the closeness to family, nature, being able to go out for a walk or eat something in a restaurant, an evening spent at the cinema. The little things that we’ve missed the most, are the most important in life.
3. You don’t need to go to the other side of the world to be happy. I’ve always loved to travel and I’ve always made 4/5 trips during the year because I just love to explore new places. But this year I couldn’t do that and for the first time after a long time I didn’t travel at all. However, I realized that this static period of my life has helped me to work on myself, on my dreams, on my projects and on my idea of happiness. This desire to alwas be in a different place leads us to constant dissatisfaction. Instead I’ve learned to love the place where I am, to appreciate the here and now and to be grateful for where I am.
4. If you stop and look around you will realize that your life is full of things to be grateful for. Gratitude is a practice that I’ve developed a lot this year. Living such a difficult year for everyone, I realized that despite everything my life is really full of blessings, of things that make it worth living. Starting from health that never before is something that should not be taken for granted, to the loved ones, the abundant food, the sun, to be able to have clean water available every day. We are people full of luck and we must never forget it.
5. Sometimes the best thing to do is to surrender and rely on the Universe. I’ve always had a hard time relying on the Universe even though I knew it’s always the best thing to do. We can make detailed plans on how we would like our life to be but the truth is that the Universe knows what we really need and whatever unscheduled road it takes us, is always the right one. We learnd to let go of the grip and the need of control and to rely on the unexpected. Sometimes the dark and difficult moments serve to make us appreciate the light even more. Everything happens for a reason.
I wish you all a happy 2021! I hope it will be a year full of joy and serenity!
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